What Are Soft Tissue and Skeletal Contouring Procedures?
Posted on 8/21/2023 by Evan
In recent years more people are beginning to enhance their appearance in different ways through soft tissue contouring procedures like dermal fillers (hyaluronic acid), fat grafting, or botox injections, as well as skeletal contouring techniques including genioplasty (chin surgery), rhinoplasty (nose surgery) or jawline augmentation. These procedures concentrate on reshaping and redefining various facial parts to provide a more aesthetically pleasing and well-balanced appearance.
Soft Tissue Contouring Procedures
Soft tissue contouring procedures involve changing things like volume, shape, or position beneath the skin, creating new facial contours like fuller cheeks or plumper lips. Dermal fillers smooth out wrinkles while adding volume via hyaluronic acid injections using needles. Similarly, fat grafting moves fatty tissue from one part of your body into another area that needs it, resulting in enhancements like improving asymmetry around the eyes, cheekbones, etc. Lastly, botox relaxes targeted muscles temporarily, which can greatly reduce fine lines and wrinkles over time.
Skeletal Contouring Procedures
On the other hand, skeletal contouring procedures modify the shape of bones under the skin, which can improve facial symmetry or augment specific features. Genioplasty is used to adjust one's chin size creating a balanced appearance, while rhinoplasty reshapes noses making them more proportional. Also, jawline augmentation involves implants or bone structures to create a more defined look.
Usually, anyone who wants to appear their best and feels confident in their own skin chooses these procedures. Before embarking on any sort of treatment, it is important that you consult with an expert surgeon who can guide you through every phase of the process.
To conclude, at our facility, we help you make an informed choice and get amazing results, and you'll get professional advice on which solutions are most suited to your specific choices. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us now.
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